I am reading and learning as I go but the subject of signal quality is somewhat unclear to me, I know what I will use it for but I don't actually know what that will require. This is by all means a learning exercise as much as anything else but I'll try to give a perspective.
This will be used to generate sine waves, but depending on the choice of DDS chip also triangle and square waves with the purpose to be the input signal to different ADCs to test for all relevant specifications, INL and DNL comes to mind first but offset and gain errors and all others as well.
DACs will also be tested but I have focused on ADCs to begin with.
So for this I thought I start with a sine wave as per all the examples and literature found online such as "ADC histogram measurements", I have always been confused with what people mean with "pure sine wave". Internet searches generally put up sites about sine wave inverters and one or two pages about oscillators, in the end I will build one of those analog quality sine wave oscillators to compare to the digital one.
But regarding signal quality, for one thing I would like frequency accuracy. So that 1kHz, 100kHz or 1MHz is as close to that as possible, but that is not the primary priority. When performing the data converter tests I can't see that frequency will matter in terms of accuracy at all.
Although I would like frequency accuracy, I don't want to spend money on something that will give me that if that is all I get and not also improvements in other aspects.
But I want to avoid harmonic content in the signal and as I have seen on various documents there are two pictures of a signals frequency content.
The first image is the raw output and it has a dominant frequency but around that a lot of weaker but still quite prominent spikes, then in the second picture which is of the same signal but after a 7th order elliptic filter or something as such there are one dominant frequency without all the surrounding spikes.
But I don't understand how you characterize the what I interpret as "noise floor", I find this subject with DDS sine waves and characteristics of the output signal to be particularly confusing and I fail to get a grip of it.
What are the relevant parameters involved in expressing the quality of a sine wave generated through DDS?