Reducing switching noise in MOSFET inverter

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mike buba

Member level 3
Nov 17, 2013
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Hi, I am trying to reduce switching noise in the MOSFET three-phase inverter.

The reason is that a high noise causes the TI control card serial emulator to reset. I am losing the serial communication connection between the local PC and the control card at higher power. TI engineers advised me to try to use more robust emulators ($$). Before doing that, is there a way to reduce switching noise?

I have already reduced gate resistance (Rgon and Rgoff) by 1/3. The noise reduced, but not significantly. I can try to reduce it even more, but I read this can lead to increased switching losses.

Another option is to add/modify RC snubber. There is already an RC snubber on the board, with an option to add another RC snubber across the lower switch. Should I add RC snubber across the lower switch? I have seen online pictures with only snubber across DC+/- or across each switch in a leg, but my configuration only has an option across the lower leg and/or across DC+/-.

Noise is shown in oscillograms below (different time division: 10 ms, 500 us and 20 us, respectively). I don't see much of a ringing, just a spike at 8 kHz. Also, the inverter switching frequency is 4 kHz, but the noise is at 8 kHz?! Not sure why is that.
Ch1 is Rx signal
Ch2 is Tx signal
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The most important is a schematic: Where is the source of noise, where to put the filter, which filter.

But almost equally important is the PCB layout. The fancy filter is useless if the PCB layout is bad. A bad PCB layout can make a filter almost useless.

Glad to hear its working, you might want a 45V 1A schottky and series 22E resistor across the 80 ohm Ron resistors to give quicker turn off ( anode pointing away from gate ) this should not give too much extra turn off voltage stress. The 3.3uF caps right by each totem pole are key.

Hopefully that Traco power DC/DC converter is not adding to the noise too much ?

The 100k-ohm resistors shown should probably read 5W, not 50 ?

Look forward to seeing full output load waveforms of the totem poles - zoomed in to see the max transition speeds ...
--- Updated ---

p.p.s you need to link the mid point of the electro's with the mid point of the 100k R's ... else volt balancing is not achieved on the electro's - without balancing R's, leakage currents ad zener effect of electro's will be the only things limiting any volt imbalance ( eventually a very loud noise and telescoping internals ... )
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Look forward to seeing full output load waveforms of the totem poles - zoomed in to see the max transition speeds ...
Voltages for 650 Vdc DC link with differential probe x500 (Ch1) across
  • Phase leg midpoint and DC+; Fig. 1: Full pulse, Fig 2. Turn-on, Fig. 3: Turn-off

  • Phase leg midpoint and DC-; Fig. 1: Full pulse, Fig 2. Turn-on, Fig. 3: Turn-off
They don't look too bad - quite a few points in the operating cycle are always going to be hard switched, as an inverter is essentially a buck converter ...

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