yes, youre unlkely to short out the igbt diode with an external sic has higher vf, usually.
Yes byjuncal is right, its the boost diode you need to pay attention to.
Yes. It seems that SiC Schottky across the IGBT body diode isn't doing much as SiC V
F is bigger. For the forward diode, I will bypass it with SiC Schottky diode, i.e. leave IGBT module diode output pin unconnected.
I have plotted V
F vs I
F for the IGBT module diode, SiC Schottky diode I am using and one Schottky diode; and it seems even Schottky diode will not make much difference at my max. I
F (5 A) and almost identical V
Also, the waveforms dont make much sense for a heavily loaded booster, as above says.....there isnt much current at just looks like the current tool isnt connected but its wires are near the converter, and picking up common mode noise from the converter.
It is the Active PFC configuration, in open-loop for this example, so part of the period the current is zero. It is recorded at low current, low voltage.
Open-loop (Ch3: Inductor current, Ch4: Grid line current)
Closed-loop (Ch3: Inductor current, Ch4: Grid line current)
Ch3 is the filtered current probe (it has an RC filtering block before entering scope), and Ch4 is the unfiltered
current probe.
Now I am trying to find out where that common-mode noise is coming from.