Reducing 3.4V to 3.3V with simple logic

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What do you mean with a simple logic?
It depends on the load requirements, if these are known and constant you may be able to do it with a resistor like when using a led.
If you have a high impedance load then you can use a voltage divider etc.
What kind of load do you have?

Agree with alexan_e

You can also use a Zener diode of 3.3V rating along with a series resistor. Apply Ohm's law(V=IR) to calculate the resistance value for known current.

R = (Vout-Vin)/ I ohm.
It is preferable to choose lower value of resistance.
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Yes, i need to drive a controller IC. I think, zener diode is the only way to reduce DC voltage. Voltage divider could not be used since it need to drive a controller.
Otherwise we have to improve the regulator. If other than any idea is there, plz share it!

You still haven't specified your load.
Unless you provide some specific model so we check the datasheet I don't think it is possible to give solution.
What kind of controller is that and why do you say "Otherwise we have to improve the regulator", if there is already a regulator and which model?
Is it a 3.3v regulator that outputs 3.4 instead, can it be replaced?
Why do you want to change the output instead of replacing the regulator?


3.3v + 5% is equal to 3.465v so feel free to use 3.4 volt (at my opinion).

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