Reduce simulation time in HFSS (solve area is large)

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May 30, 2023
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I am trying to simulate an antenna array and would like to calculate fields at a far-field distance. My simulation length becomes significantly large (approx. 300 mm). This results in very high simulation time and occupies a large space on the disk when results are generated.

So what are the ways to reduce simulation time? Please, feel free if you have any suggestions in this regard. Thanks.

Depends on what type of computer resources you have used.
You can decrease the meshing density OR you can also use more powerful computer with multiple cores with higher RAM.

You can also try FDTD solver instead of FEM.

A large volume (many wavelength cubed) will require many mesh cells, and FDTD scales much nicer (linear) with large number of mesh cells.

1. Narrow down the sweep freq also reduce the sweep point.
2. combine small element into one big element
3. One more suggestion but need to be careful is that if your antenna array is a patch design facing z direction for example, you can try to reduce the radiation box at x and y direction. I tried it the 2D / 3D result is almost the same as long as I keep the z direction as lamda/4. However the efficiency might not accurate. I use this method to shorten my wait time when I am tuning the dimension. Once I finalize the design I will increase the radiation box back to x,y,z > lamda/4 to see the final result.

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