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Recording video, converting and storing to a microSD - Dedicated IC?

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Junior Member level 3
Junior Member level 3
Jan 20, 2012
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Hello all.

I starting a new project where I need to record video (and optionally audio) with a small camera (no need of high quality video record), convert the video do a known format, like MPEG, AVI or other who require less disk space (mp4, flv etc). I need to store them to a microSD card, hard disk or other storage device (I think that microSd is the easiest way and more practical). The recorded videos will be watched on a PC when required, by removing the storage from the electronic device and connecting it to a PC.

My doubt is: Which dedicated ICs could be used to to the job of reading the camera frames (and maybe a mic), convert the camera frames to a known format (avi, mpeg etc) and store it as a movie file in the SDcard or hard disk???

An IC triggered by a microcontroler would be great. Or maybe a development board with all necessary components assembled (camera, mic, converter IC, microcontroller, microsd device and others). Somebody know a dev board who do that?

I'm searching for such ICs. I can buy all the necessary components for this project on DIGIKEY (preferentially), because every month I buy some components from them.

CAMERA + MIC (optional) <----> DEDICATED IC??? <----> MICROSD CARD or HARD DISK

Preferentially, the dedicated IC will have IO pins to communicate with a microcontroller and could do the following:
- Interface with a camera and a MIC (optional)
- Convert the camera frames to a know video format (avi, mpeg, etc)
- Store video file in the microSD card or hard disk

The dedicated IC could be also substituted by a video encoder + video compressor, in separeted ICs.

Somebody have suggestions of dedicated ICs for this project?
Or maybe some easier methods to implement this project?

Thanks in advance.
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Considering the required functional complexity, I guess most available IP camera devices are basically application specific processors like the one shown in this link

In my understanding these chips are state of the art and you can expect to find much more from various manufacturers. You may want to look for specialized distributor in your region.

Implementing a project with chips like this is most likely not easy because it involves a lot of advanced programming.
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Thanks for the help.
Do you have idea of an easier method to do this project?

It's not impossible that you find a hardwired video encoder + MPEG4 compressor + SD card writing device from some manufacturer. Or a processor based device with a ready to use demonstration software, e.g. dedicated to an evaluation board. But the topic is rather far from my usual business, I can only guess about.
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Somebody have different ideas to implement this project?

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