Recommendation for GSM/GPRS Module - U.S. Operation and Service Provider

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Mar 12, 2010
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Southwest, USA
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I'm looking for Recommendations for GSM/GPRS Modules, Southwest U.S. Operation and known compatible Service Providers with good rates. Any suggestions with be greatly appreciated.

Also any tips & tricks or traps & pitfalls from individuals experienced with designs incorporating GSM/GPRS Modules for operation in the U.S. would be a blessing.

I've had a fair amount of experience interfacing these modules to µPs and controllers for proof of concept. However, I'm lacking in street smart experience for a finished product and now that a couple of projects have been give the green light for the next step, I'm looking for practical advice.

The local service provider agents are no help; if its not a phone they don't want anything to do with it.

Thanks for your time,

Your best choice for GSM modules is SIMCom (**broken link removed**) - look at the SIM900 series. They are both low cost and certified.

If your volumes are large (>10,000) you can deal directly with the service providers (AT&T, T-Mobile). Otherwise, you'll need to talk with a reseller.

Contact me if you'd like more info/details.
I appreciate the info.

I checked out the SIMCom the list Kowatec and Micron Electronics for U.S. Sales, Micron Electronics' website is down. Can you recommend a distributor for SIMCom gear?

I'd like to see what they have in development kits available.

Have you had any experience with the SIM548C? It has some interesting features I could put to work on one of the projects.

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