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Recommend me a ka band amplifier

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Re: ka band Amplifier

Hi zeshan102

What do you want to design: A LNA or a power amplifier? What performance do you expect?
If you do not need a high performance system, it's possible to use packaged devices up to about 24GHz. Look at NEC or CEL. They have several ceramic or even plastic-packaged FET's (cheap!) which could be used.


Re: ka band Amplifier

Amplifier should provide 7 db of gain around 30 Ghz is there any pakage device available to achieve this performance.

Re: ka band Amplifier

Hi zeshan102

OK, 30GHz ist pretty much for a packaged FET. Perhaps you can try it with the following devices:
- MGF4951 from Mitsubishi
- FHX13LG from Fujitsu
It is absolutly necessary to create a 'perfect' match for these FET's. Otherwise you will have no chance... With the first FET (the worse one) I already got 7dB at 28.5GHz.
But anyway: It would be the better solution to use unpackaged FET's.


Re: ka band Amplifier

There is going to be so much variation in the way the chip is packaged, and in the way that you attach the package to your board, that the yield will not be good. If you need a flat or reapeatable gain, it will be nearly impossible.

If you are not fussy about ripple, gain, or pout, then maybe it will be acceptable. I would recommend as low a Q matching network (broadband) as you can do and cross your fingers.

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