Recommend me a 3 pole switch for front panel design

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Member level 5
Aug 24, 2009
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can you recommend me a 3 pole switch. I need it for my front panel design which i need to pull down 2 signals at a time each time I press the tact switch.

need 3 pole switch

do you mean that the tact switch is the same as pull down switch.. or is it a different one?

or do you mean that when you press the tact switch, another 3pole switch should pull down the two signals?

Re: need 3 pole switch

what i mean is that i need 3 poles. (poles = connections). I will connect 1 pole to ground and 2 poles to different signals so that when i press the switched the 2 signals can be pulled down.

cameo_2007 said:
do you mean that the tact switch is the same as pull down switch.. or is it a different one?

or do you mean that when you press the tact switch, another 3pole switch should pull down the two signals?

Re: need 3 pole switch

do you mean a mechanical switch.If so how do that mechanical action takes place when you just operate a tact switch.

you can use a relay which has 2 NO's..
connect the two NO contacts to your signals and the common of that to ground.
And connect the coil through that tact switch.when you press the tact ,the coil gets energised and the NO's will become NC'c and will pull your signals to ground.
But here,the coil will de-energise as soon as you take your hands from the tact switch.

First of all,is this your requirement?

Re: need 3 pole switch

I think what "bert_kak" meant was a tact switch, when activated will have 3 dependent circuit-outputs. (See attached figure).

need 3 pole switch

if that is the case,then it is well understood from the above picture itself.

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