recognizing magnetic wall and electric walls in circular waveguide mode

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Advanced Member level 5
Sep 12, 2019
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Hello,by definition magnetic wall is PMC where magnetic field perpandicular to the wall and electric field is parralel to the wall .PEC in the opposite. In the top photo shown bellow taken from the link bellow the electric field is horizntal. so there could be magnetc wall in parralel to the electric field. In the buttom photo we can put magnetic wall in perpandicular parralel to electric field.So why in the buttom photo they say that magnetic wall is not excited?


I think they are defining the c and s modes relative to the "MW" line drawn at the top. It also appears they are showing magnetic fields, according the figure's caption in the paper. In this case, the TE11s mode will not satisfy the particular orientation of the PMC (the H-field is tangent to the boundary).
Hello Planarmetamaterials,So basicly what are the properties of the Electric and Magnetic and magnetic fields that would recognize the situation as equivalent to Perfect magneticconductor?

Hello Planarmetamaterials,So basicly what are the properties of the Electric and Magnetic and magnetic fields that would recognize the situation as equivalent to Perfect magneticconductor?
It's just the orientation of the fields. Because the magnetic fields are all entirely perpendicular to the vertical MW line, the field structure is equivalent to having a PMC there.


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Hello Planarmetamaterials,what about electric field conditions, it electromagnetic modes we can have E-field in all kinds of directions.How the elctric field should behave to recognize the situation as equavalent to PMC?

Ah, yes, that is the unspoken point here. The E-field will most likely not line up to a given boundary due to longitudinal components, etc. I doubt the electric field would match up to what is expected around a PMC, although it may be pretty close. I think both E and H fields will only both work if you have a TEM mode.

Hello Planarmetamaterials, given the following manual.
If i understand correcly Ht = 0 is PMC and Et=0 is PEC
So i this we need to look at the place our H field is purely normal and the there is not tangetial component hence PMC


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