Realization of an audio amplifier ..

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Newbie level 2
Apr 6, 2013
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I'm trying to create an audio amplifier to use with two speakers 4ohm/8Watt each.
As a power supply for the amplifier, I would use a Switching power supply ranging from 5V-3.8A and to a maximum of 24V-1.5A.

If it works, I will present the pSpice schematic for an university exam :shock: the exam plans to design an audio amplifier with 3-stage ...

thank you!

I'm trying to create an audio amplifier to use with two speakers 4ohm/8Watt each.
Is it a stereo amplifier, or just one amplifier driving both speakers.

As a power supply for the amplifier, I would use a Switching power supply ranging from 5V-3.8A and to a maximum of 24V-1.5A.
You need to think about that a bit more carefully. For each speaker: maximum voltage = +-8V and maximum current = +-2A. So the power supply needs to be > 16V and capable of peak current > 4A. Average current will be much less though, unless it's a class A amplifier.

Certainly it's better a stereo amplifier, but the choice is mine and I'd rather do it as simple as possible!

And for the power supply, it's just a power supply that I had at home and I thought that maybe I could use it. But in fact it's not suitable.

I tried to do it this way: Final class A stage, 2 common source stages in the middle and a differential amplifier as the first stage. All with a feedback. But I can't make it work with PSpice, perhaps because how i'm doing it, is very complicated!!!

I tried to do it this way: Final class A stage, 2 common source stages in the middle and a differential amplifier as the first stage.
Too many gain stages. You only need a differential input stage, a common emitter (or common source) stage and a unity gain output stage. The output stage should use Darlingtons or you'll have a heap of headaches.
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