real-time data transmission in the LoRa module


Member level 1
Sep 27, 2022
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Hello! everyone

Has anyone tried to implement real-time data transmission in the LoRa module?
Can you share some implementation process and experience?

I've recently been trying to implement real-time data transmission in a LoRa module, but I've encountered some challenges. Is there any friend who has successfully achieved this goal and can share some implementation process and experience? In particular, any experience on how to optimize data transfer speeds, reduce latency, and deal with packet loss would be greatly appreciated!


"Real time" without any timing and data throughput informations is useless.

Blinking a LED "once a day" is a real time application.
Moving the wiper of your car every 10 seconds is a real time application.
Sound adjustment of an audio stream with 48kSamples/s, 2 channles 16 bit each ... is a real time application
Face detection on an 8k video stream with many megabytes of data each second s... is a real time application

Also buffer sizes, interfaces, packet sizes ... will play a role.
Also Antenna, antenna orientation, distance, other HF sources around will play a role regarding "packet loss" will play a role.

If you encounter problems: I´d first find out the source of the problem, than searching for random solutions of random possible problems.
And debugging shold not be a big deal. Toggling a Lport pin on lost package, toggeling a port pin when data is transferred via the uC->LoRa interface, analyzing packet sizes, verifying the timing...


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