[SOLVED] Reagrading SOC building

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Jul 23, 2006
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I am building an soc.The requirements are

1.I need to send data through SPI slave to LEDs.
for that I have build an SOC on latticeMICO.
I took processor,SPI instance that works as master,another SPI instance as slave and on-chip memory block and LEDs.

The device is not having any dedicated SPI port so to connect them I have taken extension connectors and connected SPI master and spi SLAVE 4 wires(4 master,4 slave).

my query is
1.Do I need SPI master or can I just connect/use Procesor,SPI slave and LEDs only?
2.If I take SPI slave alone how to connect them to leds as it is not having any dedicated port (only connection is through extension connectors)

3.How to/where to watch the "printf" statements written in the SDK code.

please guide me I am in great confusion.


why you don't read the lattice documentation ?, it is very explanatory !
regarding your questions :
it is a bit not clear what you are intending to do :
-if you are using the controller to receive an spi command and then send it to a led - you need a SPI slave device.
-if you are using the controller to send an spi command and then send it to a preipheral device that has a led - you need a SPI master device.
-if you want to execise the controller master and slave options then you can include an master/slave spi, then connect them externally.

- if you attached the LEDs to the CPU you will need to include latticeMICO GPIO unit.
- if you want to see printf you will need to add latticeMICO UART unit.

hope i helped you.
Reactions: Tan


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Actually I need to make LEDS glow using the data provided by SPI.
For that purpose,
I have used SPI Master,SPI Slave and LEDs,LM32 processor in lattice MICO.

I have written below code as well..

#include "DDStructs.h"
#include "stdio.h"
#include "MicoUtils.h"
#include "LookupServices.h"
#include "MicoSPIService.h"
#include "system_conf.h"
#include "MicoGPIO.h"

const char *LED_GPIO_INSTANCE = "LEDS";
const char *SPI_SLAVE="SPI_SLAVE";
const char *SPI_MASTER="SPI_MASTER";
volatile MicoGPIO_t *pGPIO;

int main(void)
int slave_address= 0x80000200;
int slave_txdata= 0xC0;
int *pdata;
//int master_txdata= 0xC;//
MicoSPICtx_t *pmaster;
MicoSPICtx_t *pslave;
MicoGPIOCtx_t *leds;

//initialisation of the SPI modules//

leds = (MicoGPIOCtx_t*)MicoGetDevice("LEDS");
pmaster=(MicoSPICtx_t*)MicoGetDevice("SPI_MASTER");/* Fetch SPI Master named "SPI_MASTER" */
pslave=(MicoSPICtx_t*) MicoGetDevice("SPI_SLAVE");/*Fetch SPI SLAVE named "SPI_SLAVE" */

/*Check for LED */
if (leds == 0) {
printf("failed to find GPIO instance named %s\n",LED_GPIO_INSTANCE);
/*Check for SPI_MASTER */
printf("failed to find the SPI_MASTER instance named %s \n",SPI_MASTER);
return (0);

/*Check for SPI_SLAVE */
printf("failed to find the SPI_SLAVE instance named %s \n",SPI_SLAVE);
return (0);
MicoSPITxData(pslave,slave_txdata,1); /* Write Slave Data: Block till loaded */
MicoSPISetSlaveEnable(pmaster,slave_address); //
MicoSPIGetSlaveEnable(pmaster,&slave_address);/* Check slave enable status. */

if(slave_address != 0x80000200){
printf("failed to select internal slave! fatal error\n");


pGPIO = (volatile MicoGPIO_t *)(leds->base);

/* write 0x80 to programmable I/O pins 7 through 0 via the data
register. */
pGPIO->data = MicoSPIRxData(pslave,&pdata,1); ;

Main issue is how are SPI master and SLave connected?

Instance generated by the latticeMICO in verilog is

spi_proj spi_proj_u (

Here masters are connected to masters and slaves to slaves...
but the data flow should be from master to slave right....

And where shud I connect the LEDs to.?

I am totally confused..Please help me out

I have to use controller because I am using LatticeMICO as there is no hard SPI block/core in the kit provided.I have to use soft IP component itself.
Last edited:

ofcource master should be connected to slave so change mapping to :

spi_proj spi_proj_u (
and Leds output should be connected to outpout pins (were leds are connected).
Reactions: Tan


    Points: 2
    Helpful Answer Positive Rating
Thank you..I think I did this as well...
Let me check...Is there anything wrong with the written SDK code...Please let me know.....Thanks once again

SDK code doesn't make a lot of sense to me.
why don't you have look at **broken link removed**
it has full master-slave SPI examples in both polling and interupt mode...


when I instantiated

module SPI_Top
input reset_n
,output [7:0]LEDSPIO_OUT // [8-1:0]

wire clk_i;

OSCF OSCinst0 (.OSC(clk_i));
defparam OSCinst0.NOM_FREQ = "26" ;

spi_proj spi_proj_u (


I am getting these errors after creating the .bit file...

C:/trial_proj/spi_proj/soc/spi_proj.v(592,2) ERROR: (ST-2007) Input Pin 'SPI_SLAVE.MISO_MASTER' is unconnected:
C:/trial_proj/spi_proj/soc/spi_proj.v(630,2) ERROR: (ST-2007) Input Pin 'SPI_MASTER.MOSI_SLAVE' is unconnected:
C:/trial_proj/spi_proj/soc/spi_proj.v(630,2) ERROR: (ST-2007) Input Pin 'SPI_MASTER.SCLK_SLAVE' is unconnected:
C:/trial_proj/spi_proj/soc/spi_proj.v(630,2) ERROR: (ST-2007) Input Pin 'SPI_MASTER.SS_N_SLAVE' is unconnected:
C:/trial_proj/spi_proj/soc/spi_proj.v(702,2) ERROR: (ST-2007) Input PinBus 'LEDS.PIO_BOTH_IN[(INPUT_WIDTH - 1):0]' is unconnected:
C:/trial_proj/spi_proj/soc/spi_proj.v(702,2) ERROR: (ST-2007) Input PinBus 'LEDS.PIO_IN[(DATA_WIDTH - 1):0]' is unconnected:
C:/trial_proj/spi_proj/components/lm32_top/rtl/verilog/lm32_addsub.v(102,8) ERROR: (ST-4001) Unable to find port 'DataA' on module 'pmi_addsub'.
-- Referenced by instance 'addsub' in module 'lm32_addsub_uniq_1'.
C:/trial_proj/spi_proj/components/lm32_top/rtl/verilog/lm32_addsub.v(102,8) ERROR: (ST-4001) Unable to find port 'DataA' on module 'pmi_addsub'.
-- Referenced by instance 'addsub' in module 'lm32_addsub_uniq_1'.
-- Unable to find port 'DataB' on module 'pmi_addsub'.
-- Referenced by instance 'addsub' in module 'lm32_addsub_uniq_1'.
C:/trial_proj/spi_proj/components/lm32_top/rtl/verilog/lm32_addsub.v(102,8) ERROR: (ST-4001) Unable to find port 'DataA' on module 'pmi_addsub'.
-- Referenced by instance 'addsub' in module 'lm32_addsub_uniq_1'.
-- Unable to find port 'DataB' on module 'pmi_addsub'.
-- Referenced by instance 'addsub' in module 'lm32_addsub_uniq_1'.
-- Unable to find port 'Cin' on module 'pmi_addsub'.
-- Referenced by instance 'addsub' in module 'lm32_addsub_uniq_1'.
C:/trial_proj/spi_proj/components/lm32_top/rtl/verilog/lm32_addsub.v(102,8) ERROR: (ST-4001) Unable to find port 'DataA' on module 'pmi_addsub'.
-- Referenced by instance 'addsub' in module 'lm32_addsub_uniq_1'.
-- Unable to find port 'DataB' on module 'pmi_addsub'.
-- Referenced by instance 'addsub' in module 'lm32_addsub_uniq_1'.
-- Unable to find port 'Cin' on module 'pmi_addsub'.
-- Referenced by instance 'addsub' in module 'lm32_addsub_uniq_1'.
-- Unable to find port 'Add_Sub' on module 'pmi_addsub'.
-- Referenced by instance 'addsub' in module 'lm32_addsub_uniq_1'.
C:/trial_proj/spi_proj/components/lm32_top/rtl/verilog/lm32_addsub.v(102,8) ERROR: (ST-4001) Unable to find port 'DataA' on module 'pmi_addsub'

I have added only few lines....there are more errors like these....

it probebly shoule include :



and mapping should be fixed :
spi_proj spi_proj_u (

I have a basic doubt in soc building...
Can I use SPI slave and SPI master soft components in the same fpga and build an soc.?Can I check that by connecting the slave output to leds?

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