reading data fron LCD to microntroller.

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Newbie level 3
Feb 11, 2016
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i am having Digital Display.i want to read the data from this LCd display to external microcontroller.Can anyone tell me how to read ata from that LCD and give to external microcontroller?
and i dont know the specification of LCD:roll: so is there
any alternative method is available?


Without datasheet it is almost impossible to help.
If you need help, you need to provide more informations.

Display type, display name, interface, controller name....


hi KlausST,
i am having LCD display which is attached the small Digital adaptor and i opened it i found 16 pins LCD display and no part number and all given.
i am thinking to transfer this displayed data to atmel 8051 microcontroller.please help me out?

i am looking for a sensor which can read the displayed data from lCD display(5 digits) panel,and the output of sensor can able to Interface to 8051 microcontroller.
please anyone help...
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Is that not posiible to read the data from display panel and proceed to the 8051 microcontroller?


it´s like language.

Let two random people from anywhere in the world speak together.

Do they understand each other? --> Only if both speak the same language.

Can you know the answer before they meet? --> Only if you know from both people what language(s) they are able speak. So you need information (=datasheet, specification)


As a first step, you want to find out the implemented type of interface. Digit display suggests a multiplex LCD interface which involves multilevel signals, no easily to tap with a microcontroller.

LCD too shall be having a own driver. All I/O will be done to the driver and rarely to the LCD itself. It is often that the LCD will be integrated with the driver in the same package and the driver specification is more important than the LCD. In case you are driving the 'raw' LCD, then the answer is NO. In case your LCD panel comes with a driver IC, it is not difficult to identify the driver.

I have managed to interface the LCD display of a mastech multimeter (type:830L) to a micro-controller for reading the digital output.

However I could do this easily as the meter uses the commonly documented 7106 IC for generating the pulses for the digits on the LCD panel.

I think in your case it could be difficult task as there is no documentation available. If you have a scope, you could try looking for pulses being generated for the LCD display, if there are markings on the PCB maybe this would help.

Can you post the type and name of digital adaptor,maybe there are schematics in the internet.


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