In MODSCAN, suppose you want to read Power from the Meter,
Set address as 3901
Device ID - 1
Length - 2
MODBUS point type - 03-Holding Register
Now Click connection > connect, to see the connection detail window. In that window,
Direct connection to (The port at which you've connected your meter, COM9 in my case).
Baud Rate - 19200
Word Length - 8
Parity - EVEN
Manual Hardware Flow Control with 0 delay for DSR & CTS.
Now click on Protocol Selection, set Transmission Mode as RTU and Slave Response Timeout as 1200ms.
Click on OK and you must be able to see Power Total there. If not, set it to read as float from toolbar and you're done!
For reading other parameters such as voltage, frequency etc, see the attached manual for addresses. As far as i remember, its 3927 for Volage at V1, and 3915 for frequency.
Hope this helped. I am unable to get it into c due to lack of knowledge on that subject. Will upload the c code if done at any time. Request you to share if you got any further success.