reading atmel 8051 chip hex data

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Full Member level 6
Nov 29, 2010
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i have a 8051 chip that is programmed & locked ( proload) how to copy the hex files from the chip any help pls........................

if the controler is locked , then you cannot copy the hex code ... because to copy you need to read it and store it in buffer and later transfer to other IC.. but when you read the locked IC you will read it as FF only.. you cannot do it.... the controllers are locked for the purpose of safety against copying, pirating the code.... you have to erase the controller to program it again

i have a 8051 chip that is programmed & locked ( proload) how to copy the hex files from the chip any help pls........................

if you have programmed that chip you must have source code and hex code otherwise you are trying to copy some others code yes ?
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Actually the containt programmed into a microcontroller isn't the same as the containt in the hex file. The **broken link removed**will translate hex into binary before writing into the MCU

If the microcontroller is locked, it's a bit difficult to get the code. For some chips it's quite easy, such as atmel's at89c51 series. For some chips such as microchip's PIC or STC 8051 it's almost impossible to get the code.

For some chips it's quite easy, such as atmel's at89c51 series.

Do you know the exact (and working!!!) procedure?
You know, “Extraordinary claims require extraordinary explanations (Carl Sagan)” ..


For some chips it's quite easy, such as atmel's at89c51 series. For some chips such as microchip's PIC

i too dont understand what he means by the statement... i assume that he talks or refers to different options of locking bit that can be used to lock the memory of controller

so you are saying atmel's technology is cheap (locking) you can break it easily wow

tell me how to un lock 8951 chip

so you are saying atmel's technology is cheap (locking) you can break it easily wow

I've read in some places, including avrfreaks, that some of the older chips by Atmel, classic AVRs (not sure about 8051 series) had a security bug. If there was power interruption while reading/programming the device, sometimes the lock was opened. This has been fixed in the MEGA and TINY AVRs. I don't know if this applies to the 8051 series of controllers.

Hope this helps.

hi tahmid
i have also read about this issue in avr freaks but i don't know which chip the first avr on the pipeline is AT90S8515 so is it AT90S8515?

I think the first AVR is AT90S1200.
The problem I told about, I think it applies to many of the 90S devices. MEGA and TINY devices don't have this problem. I don't know about the 8051 series.

Hope this helps.

thanks for the information tahmid you are correct sorry one word was missing that is among i was talking about Among the first of the AVR line was the AT90S8515 because i have this chip few .i was just asking that this chip can be break or not ?

Maybe it can be broken. I just read it, but have never tried it, so have no idea. But I think it is among the ones that can be broken. You should find the thread on avrfreaks. There's likely to be much more helpful info there.

Hope this helps.

I personally dislike this thread and wanted to delete it. I cant support to steal someone's work.

I would ask Mr. Gulson to lock /delete this thread.

so you are saying atmel's technology is cheap (locking) you can break it easily wow

I'm not saying Atmel's tech is cheap but unlock the old atmel 8051 uC (such as at89c2051, at89c51) is quite cheap here ($300-$1000). I Do know the process of unlocking of these chips. That's one of our service. Some PIC can also be unlocked, but much more complicate and expensive.

But there's still no way to unlock new chips such as at89LS51 or STC11F08XE

---------- Post added at 12:27 ---------- Previous post was at 12:20 ----------

Hi Tahmid,

It's not bug. Every uC can be unlocked, it's a matter of cost. It takes $500 to unlock a at89C51, many people will pay for that. But to unlock other uC need expensive precision equipments that only owned by some top semiconductor manufacturers and labs, the cost may be more than $100,000, who will pay that money for a simple 8 bit microcontroller?

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