[SOLVED] Read and write the hex file of pic18f 4550

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Jul 23, 2013
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I am desperately need someone's help to clear some doubts on MCU.

I have got to read the HEX file from PIC18F4550 ( code unprotected) and write the same file into the another PIC18F4550.if you could

So would someone please suggest me how to start this work since I have zero knowledge on this.

Also please mention all the hardware/software tools name with the version that I have to purchase in order to complete this task.


Hi gobiraj,

Try to use PICKit 2 programmer, its cheap or you can make it. With this programmer read code, then that HEX write to another uC.

Best regards,

Hi Peter,

Thanks for your response. So should I have to buy any debug board or software tools with PickIt2 programmer.
Otherwise I can only manage to get it done using Pickit2 programmer as you have mentioned.

PICKit 2 is programmer/debugger, but you dont need debugger for this purpose.

Also there is other programmers, but there is no better than PICKit 2 in low cost category. For me best programmer/debugger for PIC microcontrollers is MikroE MikroProg.

You can find PICKit 2 Clone project files in forum threads.

Debugger you need when you write your code, and to see what's going on inside microcontroller.

Best regards,


You can download the necessary software from the Microchip website:

PICkit 2 v2.61 Application

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You can purchase a high quality PICkit Clone on eBay, some offer a ZIF socket for easy programming.


Dear Bigdog

Thanks for your great response. Also does pickit2 support for 40 pin of pic18f4550?

Also why did you mention about following

PICkit Clone on eBay, some offer a ZIF socket for easy programming

please let me know briefly since I am new to this

The original PICkit 2 was designed for In-Circuit Serial Programming (ICSP) and as such does not have socket.

Many of the clone versions of the PICkit 2 offer a Zero Insertion Force (ZIF) socket, 40-pin DIP, to program the devices out of circuit.

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Hi BigDog,

Can someone please suggest me which one to buy for the following purpose
1) read the Hex code from PIC18F4550-I/P
2) write the Hex code into another PIC18F4550
3) Also write some coding and develop some code on my own in future

So can some one please advice me which one to buy by considering above and model number of the MCU

1 )**broken link removed**

2) https://www.sparkfun.com/products/8562

3) https://www.microchipdirect.com/productsearch.aspx?Keywords=DV164120

This is bit urgent as I am desperate to order the product online. So I would be grateful if anyone suggest one of the above link for me to purchase the tool kit

Hi Peter,

Thanks for your response. So should I have to buy any debug board or software tools with PickIt2 programmer.
Otherwise I can only manage to get it done using Pickit2 programmer as you have mentioned.

Can someone please suggest me which one to buy for the following purpose
1) read the Hex code from PIC18F4550-I/P
2) write the Hex code into another PIC18F4550
3) Also write some coding and develop some code on my own in future

So can some one please advice me which one to buy by considering above and model number of the MCU

1 )**broken link removed**

2) https://www.sparkfun.com/products/8562

3) **broken link removed**

This is bit urgent as I am desperate to order the product online. So I would be grateful if anyone suggest one of the above link for me to purchase the tool kit

If budget is of major concern, I would recommend the first option:

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Otherwise, I would recommend the Genuine Microchip PICkit 2, they are well made and Microchip supports their products well.

MicrochipDirect : PG164120 - PICkit 2 Microcontroller Programmer

If you need to program the PICs out of circuit, you may also want to purchase a ZIF socket, just make sure it is a 40-pin ZIF socket:

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Hi BigDog,

Thanks for your prompt response.

on the following option

MicrochipDirect : PG164120 - PICkit 2 Microcontroller Programmer

Shoud I have to buy the board separately( to put the chip) with PG164120 - PICkit 2 Microcontroller Programmer ?

All you really need is an inexpensive 40-Pin DIP ZIF socket to write or read the program to/from the PIC18F4550.

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If you require a development board to aid in development of applications using the PIC18F4550, then consider purchasing something like the following:

40 Pin PIC Development Board for PIC18F4550 with USB

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If you do purchase a development board, make sure it supports the 40-pin PIC18F4550 and has a ICSP port to plug the PICkit 2 into for programming the PIC.

Note: Neither of the above two development boards provide an on-board programmer, both require an external programmer like the PICkit 2.


Hi BigDog ( Great teacher),

I am really pleased about your prompt response. I am really apologise to keep you bothering.Hope this my last questions to you regarding this isuue.

1) So If I want to only read and write the Hex file. Then I have to have pickit 2 programmer and ZIF socket which is on the following option.

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2) So ain addition If I want programme (coding) my own, then I have to have both development board as well as pickit 2.
Also please make sure if they are compatible each other If I am using them together

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1) So If I want to only read and write the Hex file. Then I have to have pickit 2 programmer and ZIF socket which is on the following option.

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Really the only requirement is the PICkit 2 or clone, which can both program or read a device which has already been programmed.

However, you must interface the PICkit to the PIC before programming or reading it.

If you have a compatible board with a built-in ICSP interface, you can certainly use it to both program and read the PICs.

Look for a six pin header, typically marked ICSP.

Or you could always breadboard the PIC which only requires a few discrete components.

The ZIF socket adapter simply turns the PICkit into a standalone programmer, no breadboard or development board required.

Firstly, the ZIF socket adapter is not typically considered a development board, as it does not provide access to any of the PICs pins other than to interface with the PICkit.

Secondly, as I indicated above, you could use a breadboard, a handful of discrete components and a well regulated power supply to both program, read and develop your own applications for the PIC.

Of course a development board which offers an ICSP interface can also act as a socket adapter for both programming, reading and developing with PIC.

To summarize, you really only need the PICkit or clone and with a breadboard and a handful components, you could accomplish all three tasks.

It's all a matter of convenience and comfort level. If you believe you can breadboard a circuit, then just purchase the PICkit, a breadboard and the handful of components.

Otherwise, decide whether you need a development board, which supports the PIC18F4550, or just the ZIF socket adapter.


Thank you sir ! you made me understand clearly.

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