RC5 decoding using TSOP1738 and 8051

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Newbie level 5
Oct 5, 2010
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hello frnds,

i got this code.

But delay of detecting toggle bit is 3.024ms that i dont understand.

it should be( 1.778+1.778+1.something) according to me .

plz help me............
 *                    Phillips RC5 Decoding
 *         Author:  Ajay Bhargav
 *              Description: This software is for Phillips RC-5 remote
 *                decoding. Pin used for reception is P3.3 while
 *                you can use any pin as per your requiremnet.
 *                This program is written for 8051 MCU running 
 *                at 11.0592MHz.
 *         Usage: After the decoding the Address is stored in the
 *                ADDR variable and command is stored in the CMD.
 *                The flip bit is also stored to check whether the
 *                button is pressed once or not.
 *                  Having a Doubts? Please post at
 *                  [url=https://www.8051projects.net/forum.html]Forum : 8051 Microcontroller Projects AVR PIC Projects Tutorials Ebooks Libraries codes[/url]

VAR1	equ r7                  ;Temporary Variable
TEMP	equ 10H		        ;Temp variable
COUNT	equ 11H		        ;Count
ADDR	equ 12H		        ;Device address
CMD	equ 13H 		;Command
FLIP	bit 00H		        ;Flip bit
TOG	bit 01H 	        ;Temp bit for flip
IR	equ P3.3	        ;IR Receiver connected to this pin
	org 00H			;Start of prog
	mov sp,#50H		;Stack pointer initialization
	clr TOG			;Clear temp bit
	jb IR,$			;Wait for first bit
	mov VAR1,#255           ;3.024mS delay
	djnz VAR1,$
	mov VAR1,#255
	djnz VAR1,$
	mov VAR1,#255
	djnz VAR1,$
	mov VAR1,#255
	djnz VAR1,$
	mov VAR1,#255
	djnz VAR1,$
	mov VAR1,#100
	djnz VAR1,$
	mov c,IR		;Read Flip bit
	mov FLIP,c
	clr A
	mov COUNT,#5	        ;Count for address
	mov VAR1,#255	        ;1.728mS delay for each bit
	djnz VAR1,$
	mov VAR1,#255
	djnz VAR1,$
	mov VAR1,#255
	djnz VAR1,$
	mov VAR1,#4
	djnz VAR1,$
	mov c,IR
	rlc a
	djnz COUNT,fadd
	mov ADDR,A		;Save the address
	clr a
	mov COUNT,#6	        ;Count for Command
	mov VAR1,#255	        ;1.728mS Delay for each bit
	djnz VAR1,$
	mov VAR1,#255
	djnz VAR1,$
	mov VAR1,#255
	djnz VAR1,$
	mov VAR1,#4
	djnz VAR1,$
	mov c,IR
	rlc a
	djnz COUNT,fcmd
	mov TEMP,CMD        	;Save the old command
	mov CMD,a		;Save the new command
	mov a,ADDR		;Cheack for valid address
	cjne a,#00,nvalid
	mov a,TEMP
	cjne a,CMD,valid	;Check for valid command
	ljmp main
valid:				;Key press check
	clr a
	mov c,FLIP
	rlc a
	mov TEMP,a
	clr a
	mov c,TOG
	rlc a
	cjne a,TEMP,valid1
	sjmp nvalid
	mov c,FLIP
	mov TOG,c
	mov a,CMD
	clr c

Your code goes here...
CMD contains the current command!
Just need to compare.. :)


	END			;End of program
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