RC Car Controlled By Arduino UNO , Ping ultrasonic Sensor

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amr hamed

Newbie level 6
Mar 20, 2011
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hey guys in this project we will control the dc motors in the car and we will avoid crashes by ultrasonic waves coming from ping sensor , with small wireless cam we can see it's way from ur computer , we can connect parallel port to car remote to control the car with keyboard so we have 2 systems

1- auto drive car with arduino
2- control it with keyboard by visual basic
if u have any questions or problems contact me @

u find every thing about project @ **broken link removed**

Notes :.

1- before running the vb prog u must copy inpout32 in windows/system32/ ( u find it @ link )

2- u must dismount the rc remote u will find 2 switches first : up , down - sec : left , right

3- u will wire these switches to transistor circuit ( u find it @ link ) then to the parallel port pins

4- parallel port pins : pin 2- up , pin 3 - down , pin 4 - left , pin 5 - right ( u find it @ link )

5- u will wire the dc motors with ic L293D to quadruple the current to run both , u can wire the ic with 36 V as maximum to increase motor speed

6- the C++ code ( u find it @ link ) is to upload to arduino by arduino prog but before uploading u must wire the motors as the schematic

7- every datasheet u need u will fing @ link

best regards

amr hamed

the project link : **broken link removed**

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