I wanted to know how to conveniently convert threshold ro to Receiver's Threshold Power value, or vice versa, where ro = R/Rrms, which is the specified level R normalized to the local rms amplitude of the fading envelope, as is given in Rappaport's book.
Given the value of ro = 0.01, 0.1, 1
I would want to calculate the power of the Receiver's Threshold value in Rayleigh Fading
The parameters I can use are
Velocity, Wavelength, Fm (Doppler Frequency), ro, Receiver's Threshold Power and any other you can think of.
The file I am using is the rayleigh fading simulation file of ns2, which uses a ricean table of gaussian quadrature components and I set the K factor to 0 (to get Rayleigh). However, I would like to avoid using too much of X and Y components in the conversion equation, if possible.
Please respond at the earliest, because I need this pretty badly.