range for 50MHz differential signal

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Member level 2
Oct 1, 2010
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I have to send a 50MHz differential data

how far can i send this data

if any one have chart please share


You can take the maximum length of 100BASE-TX ethernet cabling as a first guess (about 100 m).

Sorry FvM i dint get ur point u mean that taking 100BASE-TX ethernet cabling as a refference we can roughly transmitt to 100m on 50MHz

let me explain my problem i hav 14 bit diffrential data ( total 28 bits)
that is to be transmitted over 100feet on 50MHz

i worked with 4MHz and got noise at reception

can the PCB be a probab;e cause

this time i want to have a much cleaner data with 50 MHz

is it feasible and wat type of cable should we use


i dint get ur point u mean that taking 100BASE-TX ethernet cabling as a refference we can roughly transmitt to 100m on 50MHz
Yes, I thought this would be obvious. More general, just take it as a proof of feasibility. 50 MHz is the transmitted fundamental frequency, the bit rate is 100 MBit/s. According to CAT 5 cable data, you can expect about 10 to 15 dB attenuation per 100 m at 50 MHz. In my opinion, the 100BASE-TX reference shows, what can be achieved with limited effort. Other standards are achieving higher data rates, e.g. 250 MBit/s per twisted pair with Gbit ethernet.

Without knowing the hardware details, it's impossible to determine the cause of the observed problems, I think.

Problem is hard to be scientist that must more investigate and alway improve opinions , Highly dope varium may make broken blood and using Toroid in circuit should beware cross magnetic couple leakage as balance current for long use Design.

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