hi ..
the fpga and vhdl master ...
I want to ask about the ram ... I have a little problem in the call data that are saved on ram ... when I try to testbench or i simulate in single block outgoing data is correct, but when the block I combine and i synthesis in quartus then i run in modelsim Altera with data such as skipped out ..
================================================== ============================
-- 2D ram
subtype p_simb is std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
type t_simb is array(1 to 257) of p_simb;
-- deklarasi sinyal ram
signal ram_kor : t_simb;
process (rst,clk)
if rst= '0' then << problem1
sig_pros <= '0';
Dec_codword_out <= "00000000";
cnt4wraddr <= 1;
cnt4rdaddr <= 1;
ram_kor <= (others=>"UUUUUUUU"); << problem2
elsif (rising_edge(clk)) then
last_state <= enb_dec;
last_state2 <= sig_pros;
if enb_dec = '1' then
cnt4wraddr <= cnt4wraddr + 1;
ram_kor(cnt4wraddr) <= Dec_Din;
cnt4wraddr <= 1;
end if;
if (str_koreksi = '1' or str_koreksi2 = '1') then
sig_pros <= '1';
elsif sig_pros = '1' then
if (cnt4rdaddr >= 255 ) then
Dec_codword_out <= "00000000";
if (cnt4rdaddr > 255 ) then
cnt4rdaddr <= 1;
sig_pros <= '0';
ram_kor <= (others=>"UUUUUUUU"); << problem2
end if;
end if;
if (cnt4rdaddr <= 255 ) then
if cnt4rdaddr = lokasi_err1 then
Dec_codword_out <= ram_kor(cnt4rdaddr) xor nilai_err1;
elsif cnt4rdaddr = lokasi_err2 then
Dec_codword_out <= ram_kor(cnt4rdaddr) xor nilai_err2;
elsif cnt4rdaddr = lokasi_err3 then
Dec_codword_out <= ram_kor(cnt4rdaddr) xor nilai_err3;
elsif cnt4rdaddr = lokasi_err4 then
Dec_codword_out <= ram_kor(cnt4rdaddr) xor nilai_err4;
elsif cnt4rdaddr = lokasi_err5 then
Dec_codword_out <= ram_kor(cnt4rdaddr) xor nilai_err5;
elsif cnt4rdaddr = lokasi_err6 then
Dec_codword_out <= ram_kor(cnt4rdaddr) xor nilai_err6;
Dec_codword_out <= ram_kor(cnt4rdaddr);
end if;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process;
koreksi_done <= '1' when (last_state2 = '1' and sig_pros = '0') else '0';
data_valid_out <= "00000000" when (cnt4rdaddr > 244 ) else Dec_codword_out;
================================================== =============================
when I add reset, the Data can come out correctly, but logic gate which used to be much ....
and when reset I remove, ram can be realized but the Data come out incorrect ....
how to use the ram but I could get the data properly .....?
does anyone have a solution?
thanks 4 answer....