[SOLVED] RADAR Power supply clarification

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Full Member level 2
Sep 15, 2011
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Hi all,

I need to know if the selection Linear voltage supplies and the Switched supplies used for the Radar electronics will affect its performance.

I need clarification on selecting the power supply for my application ( Surveillance RADAR ).

will the switching noise generated cause any problem while receiving the transmitted waveform ?

I need to know if the switching noise added to the RF section be detected as a target.:???:

normally can't.
radar source should have a spec for on/off power ratio, that should be about 100dB. So no problem.

- - - Updated - - -

And, from the time domain, the switch are very fast, it is about ns grade.
I remember I used Hittite switch.
In software, it must be waited the pulse rising edge or falling edge.
I am not SW engineer, so I don't know more details.
switching power supplies are more efficient than linear but generate emi interference to overcome this problem keep distance between power supply and practical circuit.
You should specify your radar type to get a useful answer. If your radar is a pulsed RF version, you can use a switched power supply if its switching frequency is well different from your PRF. If your radar is a Doppler type, switching supply spectrum may be different to filter from the useful signal spectrum.
Thanks for the replies,

My application is for a pulsed Doppler radar,

Thanks for replying ,

I plan to use a switched power supply with a higher switching frequency,

That way i can remove the phase noise performance by using capacitors.

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