Questions about USB keyboard to PS/2 connector

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Advanced Member level 2
Jun 10, 2006
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usb keyboard circuit

Sorry for my Bad English... I hope this is the right place in the forum to ask...

I'm working in a project involving numeric input. (like a calculator), I was able to made it with and 4x4 matrix keypad and lcd. and then I needed to input text... I used a PS/2 Keyboard... All got nice... but sometimes I need fewer keys so using a small ps/2 numeric keypad instead thy'old matrix keypad come to my mind! (truly It's and idea from my mentor...) Soooo.. when I need only numeric keys, I should connect the PS/2 numeric keypad... And when I need to input text I would change the keypad for a complete PS/2 keyboard ...

All of this would be nice, ONLY If I could get that d*mn PS/2 numeric keypad!!!! I can only get USB numeric keypads in this place on earth!! (Those are for laptops and so...) And making and USB host just for a keypad...

buuuuuut a friend told me that exist a small USB to PS/2 converter (just connector, no circuit.) I have seen USB mouses with this connector, and my friend told me that it works also with keyboards... (also wikipedia say something about this...)

so. The question is. Can I use this small USB to PS2 converter to get the usb keypad work with a microcontroller (which will have PS/2 firmware)??? have someone tried this???

In the middle of nowhere (where I live) I can't get a normal Ps/2 numeric keypad... please don't suggest me to get one... My budget can't affort get one from outside... I want to know if a USB numeric keypad could be useful...

Also, (just that I'm here asking a maybe-so-dumb-question) Can I use the same USB to PS/2 converter to work with an USB barcode reader??? (Mmmm maybe someone will get the idea...) as there-are ps/2 barcode readers, does the USB barcode readers emulate a USB HID keyboard?? or it's just another HID device?

The fact that implementing a USB host just for these applications.... mmmm I dont' like that... got bored just thinking that...

By th way, I'm plannig to use a PIC18 for this project...

And sorry for this long question... I'm just so nervous And don't know what to do...

usb keyboard emulation vnc1l

The PS/2 Connector in not connector it is converter it has circuit inside powered by USB port.
you can use 4x4 key pad for all purposes.
how much keys do u have in mobile? about 16
and it performs all functions so you can use same keypad for any kind of input.

usb keypad circuit

Some keyboards with an USB connector have a combo interface, that connects to PS/2 with a passive adapter, others are USB only. You have to check the specification of your device. In case of USB only, there's no simple way to connect it to a processor without USB host capabilities.

But numeric keypads with PS/2 interface are available, e.g. from respectively, and they are sold worldwide. I guess, there are others, too.

I see, that Cherry has at least a south american distributor


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use usb keyboard and ps2 scanner

thank you very much FvM i will check the specs on the numeric keypads!

Sooo... does someone know about the second question? about a USB barcode reader into PS/2?
is it possible?

I know there are PS/2 barcode readers... but the USB one is better!!! (got laser scanner at 12in, the old PS/2 ones just at 1in)...

Thanks in advance...

ps2 connector

maybe someone like to share about complete DIY USB host project here..
I'll appreciate that..


ps2 barcode scanner usb passive adapter

mmm ok... I think I'll check the VNC1L to access a USB barcode reader... maybe I can use it for a USB keypad...

does someone have other idea?

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