Questions about OpAmps and 1 bit DAC

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Newbie level 4
Sep 4, 2004
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i have got two questions:

1.Can i use the same opamp for intergrator,comparator and 1 bit DAC for analog to digital sigmal delta modulator or do i have to change the opamps?
can any one recommend the book or any site for 1 bit DAC and Opamps designing in CMOS.
2. I am a begginer in analog designing. i am intrested in this field can any one recommend some books and site to start with the basics with CMOS technology.

Thank you for the reply in advance

Re: Opamps

1. CMOS ANALOG Circuit Design(Second Edition)
authorhillip E.Allen Douglas R.Holberg

2. Design of ANALOG CMOS Integrated Circuits

3. CMOS:Circuit Design, Layout, and Simulation
author:R.Jocob Baker;Harry W.Li;David E.Boyce

Re: Opamps

I think it is too waste to use same opamp (of course, you must have 3 opamps, not only one to do three purposes) for main opamp, comparator, and 1-bit DAC. usually comparator can be designed with lesser complexity and power consumption, and 1-bit DAC can be easily contructed by just SC circuits.


in sigmal delta modulator the intergrator has to be fast enough,that is the slew rate of opamp should be high.
for example in two order modulator ,the slew rate should be higher than 20v/us
and for the bandpass sdm, slew rate should be much more higher,
because of the limit of cmos , we should come to the BiCMOS tech

Re: Opamps

naomi said:

2. I am a begginer in analog designing. i am intrested in this field can any one recommend some books and site to start with the basics with CMOS technology.

Thank you for the reply in advance

Try with these two:

Phillip E. Allen, Douglas R. Holberg: “CMOS Analog Circuit Design”, second edition, Oxford University Press, New York, 2002

Paul R. Gray, Paul J. Hurst, Stephen H. Lewis, Robert G. Mayer: “Analysis and Design of Analog Integrated Circuits”, fourth edition, John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York, 2001

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