Hello ayhz2002 !
What amplifier design do You need: narrowband or broadband ?
If You need the narrowband design - You must make the good in/out matching only on 5.5 Ghz, but in narrowband the 'good' matching usually is S11,S22<-30 dB. In this case You must aim at minimum gain on out the working frequency band. Usually it can be made by using the narrowband filters as matching circuits.
In broadband case You must match the amp. device in the broad frequency band (it's not a simple problem !). In this case the 'good' matching usually is S11,S22<-20dB. If You haven't the hard limitations on input noise temperature, You can use the internally-matching IC, it's simplifies the problem.
The available power gain can depends on S22, because if You changes output matching circuit - You change it's input impedance. As I understand, the available gain is S21 with ideally matching ports, and GA of active device (transistor, IC etc.) independent of matching, but GA of whole device (transistor+matching circuits) depends on matching circuits construction.
Best regards,