Questions about LDO design

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Full Member level 1
Dec 5, 2006
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hi everyone:
I have a problem when a design the LDO.can somebody help me.
1,we use the Resr to compensate the loop ,but the ESR is too smill ,maybe 0.1 ~1,why dont we layout a resistance in the chip and use a C without ESR?
2,the esr is too small ,the resistance of pad maybe bigger than it ,how can we use a ESR to compensate??
3,the LDO block is one part of our chip ,but I don,t know the exact value of the C will be load on my block ,and i know the max current maybe 50mA,can someone give a recommended value?


LDO question

for question 1, if we use resistor on chip, it will has IR drop issue

Re: LDO question

I think the ESR 0.1-1 is already big, not small
If add a resistor with capacitor,then will make the ripple bigger

Re: LDO question

If my ldo block is used to provide power for digital block as the figue ,
question 1:if I layout a resistor at node A and delete ESR(use a c with esr)can cause any problem?
question 2: corel said that the esr maybe very small, the resistance of PAD maybe bigger than that,then the esr=ESR+ Rpad,it must be much bigger ,and cause the ripple to the power,how can i solve the problem??

Re: LDO question

The idea is....ldo will usually receive a large current and off chip Cap(*with its esr*), which are all external source provided to LDO to operated.
So, from using point of view, it seems there is no choice for LDO..... somethings external must connect with....

LDO question

any other opinion??

LDO question

If you add on chip resistance , PSRR will be degraded and there will be IR drop.If u wanna avoid the IR drop, then u need to add one more pin for the output current which would not be feasible.Also metal resistance (precise) of ~1 Ohm wil take quite a bit of area !

Re: LDO question

The common cap you can buy is always with the esr, usually, for 10µF ceramic cap, the esr could be 10mΩ to 100mΩ.

Re: LDO question

hi all,

If you add on chip resistance , PSRR will be degraded and there will be IR drop.If u wanna

avoid the IR drop, then u need to add one more pin for the output current which would not be

feasible.Also metal resistance (precise) of ~1 Ohm will take quite a bit of area :idea:


Re: LDO question

1:the ESR is not too small. now the LDO i design have a ESR 0.2ohm.
2: i am afraid you can not layout a precise resistor having a so small value. and R on chip has a +/-15% variation
3: the load capacitor is not a importart paramater for our design ,since we need a a ESR because a zero pole is needed . the point associate with ESR and the big Capacitor


Re: LDO question

The ESR is not large.

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