I am confused in getting reading the values of frequency vs Self resonant frequency (SRF). For example, if we take Johanson capacitor capacitance Vs Frequency graphs. Suppose if we take R14/0603 case style in the screen shot below, frequency of values 1.3 GHz to nearer to 24 GHz and capacitance values from 0.2 pF to 100pF.
I have the following queries
(1) Case style 0603 is valid for , which frequency range and which capacitor values.
(2) more than 100pF(more than 101pf, 102pf,103pf......) and below 0.2 pF( below 0.1pf, 0.09pf,0.08pf.... etc), what about the values of frequency and SRF, is it valid.
(3) Case style 0603,how we have to read exactly SRF and Frequency.
(4) For case style 0603, what are the SRF values are valid and what are the frequencies valid.