Question: translator software

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Are there any software that can translates scanned images/schematics into the form that readable by either multisim or circuit maker. Something like OCR for word processor ?.

Thanks in advance


Save pictures as raw then it's very easy to write yourself a funktion! If you need I have some examples!

I'm curious to see the method you use.... I can't think of any "easy" way to convert such a bitmap to a vector file, with detection of the logic symbols, wires, pins, etc.... Can you elaborate on your method phytex?

About some half year ago, I bumped into a bitmap to Trax_PCB translator. The name of the program is BMP2PCB. It's designed by some PRChina dudes. They cite URL ->


which doesn't exists anymore. Try using the google search for the program.

On 2002-03-08 08:44, Phytex wrote:
Save pictures as raw then it's very easy to write yourself a funktion! If you need I have some examples!

Could you upload to BBFM or somewhere where I could acess it (not FM1 ..I'm still not qualified to go there)


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