Hello, I have the following ADE-1KH mixer I need to convert 500Mhz RF signal into DC few questions:
1. From the table below marked red arrows they dont say if such case is possible.
Suppose my RF is 500MHz and LO is 500 Mhz my IF will be DC?
2.What LO power needed to make this mixer act properly?
3.What Rf power will compress the mixer, In the little arrow red marked below they say 5dBm.
I am not sure if its 5dBm in the RF or 5dBm LO?
Thanks. https://www.minicircuits.com/pdfs/ADE-1LH+.pdf
Look sharp, datasheet specifies IF DC - 500 MHz. But only IF port is DC-capable.
What's your application? Zero IF (direct conversion) receiver usually requires either phase-locked LO or quadrature (I/Q) detector.
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Also question 2 + 3 are basically answered by datasheet. There's an LO level range covered by the performance charts, why not simply read it as suggested operation point? Respectively, it's pretty clear that 5 dBm compression level refers to RF.
Hello FVM, Its for I/Q demodulation,500MHz is the highest opertaing frequncy.
I was told that Its a problem to do demodulation on the maximal operating frequency.
Why I cant put RF=500MHz and LO=500MHz?
How do I know the frequencies in demodulation will work?
Conversion loss spec tells you that it can well work at 500 MHz. I don't see a specific problem with zero IF operation, except for the fact that's there's no phase error specification for the mixer.
In the datasheet is nowhere mentioned the input compression point (P1dB), which in mixers always is specified at RF port.
High level of the LO doesn't affect directly the P1dB, but the rule: higher the LO, higher the P1dB, applies.
The basic rule from LNA design that IP3 = P1dB + 10dB, sometimes apply to DBM diode mixers, if the level of the LO is high enough.
So in this case, datasheet IP3=15dBm means the compression point is P1dB=5dBm