Question on Dual Output DC/DC

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Newbie level 4
Jan 9, 2008
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Hello All,

I have a doubt regarding the current output of Dual DC/DC converters. I am attaching the datasheet for Dual output converter (48 V to 3.3V and 5V).

1. On referring the datasheet (which I have attached),the Output current in page 2 specification tells 0A-10A maximum. Does this value indicate that each output is capable of providing 10A max or is it given for the entire converter as such?

2. Similarly the Output power of 60W. Does it mean that each output (5V and 3.3V respectively) is capable of 60 W or the value is given forthe entire converter as such?

Please can somebody clarify this as soon as possible?


where the data sheet?

Also without knowing the datasheet, some points can be stated very clearly:
1. Power rating is always given for the sum of individual outputs
2. Current rating for a converter with different output voltages has to been given individually
3. Aside from a maximum current for each output, also a minimum current load can be specified, that is needed to maintain output regulation

Hello Iouri and FvM,

Sorry I wasn't able to attach the datasheet yesterday. I am attaching the same with this mail.

Thanks a lot,

The datasheet clarifies your questions, although the specification is given in a somehwhat unusual way and could be clearer to my opinion. The Thermal Derating Curves shows the type of power limitation. You have actually a maximum output power of 60 W (without possible thermal derating) as a sum of both outputs and a maximum current of 10 A for each output. The latter could be achieved only with a lower load at the other output.

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