Question on Docking Station


Advanced Member level 1
May 10, 2020
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I have this docking station -

My question is. what's the principle, concept behind the fact that, the user just needs to connect the Type C port on the laptop and he can connect two monitors using HDMI, DP port and extend his laptop screen to two monitors (one using HDMI and the other using DP port on the dock). Once done, I can play Youtube on One monitor, Netflix on the other and a different streaming channel on my laptop.
This is really amazing. What's the concept behind this? I understand that, it's just like playing these streaming platforms in different Google Chrome tabs using a single laptop screen. But at the same time, I am able to view the different screens. So, data transfer is definitely happening almost instantly. How come all the data from DP, HDMI ports (monitors connected) are interfaced?

How can just a simple type C port connection, enable simulataneous data transfer from different monitors with different ports?
There are the $10 USB-C cables which are good for charging a smart phone, and there are $130 USB-C cables with enormous computing power built into them. The expensive cables are capable of high-speed data transfer (while the cheap cables apparently are not). A protocol called Thunderbolt is different from USB-C although the cables look similar. I suppose the docking port is expensive too.

Certain Youtube videos look inside both types of cables using MRI scanning. The expensive cable contains extra circuitry that makes it capable of the feats you observe.

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