Say I have a sensor that generates a signal of freq 30Hz and now when I sample this at 100Hz, which is above the 2fa;
The Nyquist criteria is satisfied. But the output of the sampler has lot of frequencies right i.e., 30Hz, 100-30=70, 100+30=130, 200-30=170, 230....
Now if I dont do any digital domain low pass filtering on the output of ADC to bandlimit it to 50Hz or (some bandwidth less than 70Hz, the first image); and instead directly pass it to a DAC , will my output be faulty? i.e., the output of DAC not same as input to ADC?
i.e., Is it mandatory to do a digital domain filtering on the output of ADC always to be able to reproduce the original analog input; even if the input to ADC has just one freq component?