[question] HowTo: Boolean/Grow Operations in L-Edit??

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Junior Member level 1
Jun 14, 2002
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how to do l-edit process definition file

Hi There,

I am a beginner of L-Edit. I don't know how to use boolean/Grow Operations in Draws menu to operate two objects in one layer. I just couldn't select objects A and B that are required for this operation in the same layer.

Your help would be appreciated.

HowTo: Boolean/Grow Operations in L-Edit??

Hi maxwell2002,

X-tools (L-edit ver 9 and earlier).
1. Run X-tools
2. Select first object and press button "A" on X-tools panel. A little circel above "A" became RED
3. Select second object and press button "B" on X-tools panel. A little circel above "B" became RED
4. Then press button of selected operation.

In L-edit ver. 10
1. Select any object's using shift-Left_mouse_click .
If you have difficulties to select object's in the same layer you can hide other layers - put mouse pointer
on needed layer in Layer Palette, Right_mouse_click and select in context menu "Hide All"
2. Select menu Draw/ Boolen/grow operatin... ore press "B"
3. In "Boolen/Grow Operation" window select operation,
options and press OK

To aekn,

Thank you very much for your nice helps!!!

Following your instructions, I am now successful with Boolean operations on two objects in one layer.

Another question:
How to create Process Definition File? I couldn't find any menu related to Process Definition File in L-Edit. Do I need to use the third-part text editor to create Process Definition File?

Process Definition File

You can use third-party text editor or internal text editor. In L-edit menu select File => New and in "File New" dialog box select File Typ - Text

Many Thanks to aekn!!!

With your helps, I understand that L-Edit has its text editor.

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