Question about using Proteus ISIS lite

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Full Member level 5
Sep 29, 2005
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Cebu, Philippines
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Hello Everybody!
I encountered some problems with proteus ISIS lite. Please help

1.) I have a subcircuit and a main circuit. Is theground in the subcircuit connected to the gorund of the main circuit? or do i need to place a port for the ground?

2.) I have a bus in the subcircuit and I named it C[0..39]. I also named the port bus terminal of the subcircuit as C[0..39]. I connected a bus from the main circuit to teh subcircuit bus terminal. Should the bus be also named C[0..39]? (I did this already but it is not working). Can I place a diffrent name to this bus (the one connected to teh subcircuit bus terminal)?

3.) If I place a Port termal as in the example above, is the bus inside the subcircuit automatically connected to this port terminal? If not how to connect it?

4.) If I make another copy of the subcircuit, then the bus name will also be copied.
If I connect another bus to the bus terminal of the second subcircuit, should the bus name also be the same as in the first subcircuit?

I tried to use the proteus help but none to avail. If you happen to have some experience with this before please help.



proteus isis help

1) The option on the Design Menu - Edit Design Properties named "Global power nets" determines whether power nets are implicitly connected across sheets or need to be wired. This is enabled by default to reduce spaghetti wiring.

2) Names must be consistent between port pin and subcircuit terminal. The attached gif should help explain general bus labelling rules.

3) Provided the name of the port pin on the parent object is exactly the same as the name of the logical terminal on the subcircuit connectivity will be made.

4) If the subcircuit is identical to the original give them both circuit names (e.g. AMPLIFIER) and the software will take care of ensuring that they stay synced.


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