• PSS (Periodic Steady State) analysis: Large Signal Analysis (AC analysis is a small signal analysis). This analysis helps to quickly compute steady state response of a circuit which has a very long time constant, such as oscillators. It sets circuits’ periodic operating point, “After a PSS analysis, the circuit is linearized about a periodic (time varying) operating point with frequency conversion effects included. After the PSS analysis, you can perform one or more of the periodic small-signal analyses. Example circuits where you might use the periodic small-signal analyses include conversion gain in mixers, noise in oscillators, and switched capacitor filters.”
Periodic small signal analyses (pac, pxf etc.)are similar to conventional small signal analysis (AC etc.) but unlike conventional small signal analysis these analyses consider frequency conversion effects. Other periodic small signal analyses use PSS data to start with.
• QPSS (quasi periodic small signal) analysis: Large signal analysis, same as pss but multiple frequencies (hence intermodulation) takes effect. You should select a sinusoidal or pulse as large signal and additional signals must be sinusoid.
You can relate these data to find similarities or dissimilarities among pss, qpss, tran, op and ac analysis. Please read spectreRF analysis theory for more information.