A few comments.
I do it in signal flow beginning with the splitter.
* next is the left side diode. It does nothing than short circuiting the negative waves from the input side. If you remove it the output will be about the same.
... I can only guess that there is a series C missing.
* Diode, RC filter, all fine
* U1: Missing power supply (and apacitors- all OPAMPs). You talked about noise. So if you want to reduce noise you should consider an additional capacitor at the feedback.
* REF: Rather unknown. Again: if you want to reduce noise, then add a capacitor.
* U2: What? Low noise, low drift, precision... Why?
It has no feedback!, thus it´s output is expected to (randomly) switch between the rails. It creates noise as high as can be.
In my eyes it misses to be designed at all. It calls for trouble. Usually one wants a
defined gain and phase behaviour for a regulation to be precise, fast and stable.
As you wrote its used as a "comparator" but if you (addressing the circuit designer) want it to be a comparator, then I recommend to use a comparator, not an OPAMP.
My recommendation: add a useful feedack .. to make it a clean amplifer with the function of a "regulator"
* Filter: To cure the problems caused by U2. I personaly would remove the root cause ...
.. but for a "bad fix" ... one could add a diode across the R to speed up discharge of the C.
But with the U2 problems ...it probably does not work at all.
Another "bad fix" is to use dual supply and short circuit negative voltages with a diode across the C.
is there an alternate way to ensure the output of U2 never goes negative
Don´t focus on the output of U2 ... it can be anything. You need to focus on the input of the attenuator. This node must not go negative (according your infromation)
I’ve also been trying to understand the practical limit of how small a voltage U1 can amplify before its buried in noise.
The noise of U1 may be in the microvolts. But isn´t the job of the circuit to (precisely) regulate the
output voltage? If you think about "errors" like noise in the microvolts ... you also need to have a look at the error of your "rectifier". It maybe
starts working when the output voltage is at 500,000 microvolts (to stay with the same unit) .. and it will thermally drift by about 2,000 microvolts per °C. If you want to improve precision .. you need to reduce the "worst" errors. Improving U1 noise will have no impact on overall performance.
Also mind the U2 problems...
Assuming the output from the diode detection circuit is noise free,
I´m the wrong person for such unrealistic assumptions. Input amplitude noise, switching noise, thermal drift, filter ripple ... is (I guess) more than a factor of 10,000 higher.
(for sure in detail it depends on VCO, VCO supply, diode type, capacitor type, thermal conditions, PCB layout .....)
noise specs at the bottom of page 4
Do a search for "linear technology design note15" / "dn015f"
and if U1’s offset voltage would have more of an influence
I recommend to first decide your application goals.
Then find out wich part is resonsible for wich errors and in what magnitude. Then
focus on the biggest errors.
And "offset" in your circuit causes no error at all, since your reference (pot output) is a "relative value" adjusted by hand.
"Offset" is an accuracy error.
--> "offset drift" is a precision error. This is what matters in your circuit.
Now the circuit produces a stable output at the expected level.
You would be surprised if you do an FFT plot / spectral analysis of output signal.
I don´t know what youre design goals are .. but to me the circuit give a lot options for improvement.