Question about Igbt transistor in welder

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Junior Member level 1
Nov 22, 2012
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Hello for all Ihave welder machine work with two IGBT transistor (one igbt in side) 160 Ampere 20volt the IGBT number (G30N60A4) the two IGBT is burned My qustion is If Ican use (G80N60ufd)? because Idon't found (G30N60A4) In my country but (G80n60ufd) founded

sorry for my bad english (Idon't find(G30n60A4) but (G80n60ufd) found

1- The drive circuit must be understood first.
2- Then, the actual input voltage and output current must be known.
3- Finally, Data sheets for both IGBTs must be studied to determine the differences and whether said difference matters with respect to the parameters in 1- and 2- .

Who is the IGBT vendor?

thankyou trigger the input voltage 220v Ac and the out put 74volt DC without Load and with load 26.4volt 160Ampere/ 20.2volt 5Ampere And the duty cycle is 20% 160ampere 60% 115ampere 90% 90ampere 23.6volt And max input voltage 270volt AC

please................................. help me

please................................. help me
Bad news. Sorry. I doubt the 80N60 will work for the 30N60. The 80N60 is slow compared with the 30N60. The preferred gate resistor for the 30N60 is smaller than for the 80N60, so dropping the 80N60 in the existing circuit will probably stress the IGBT and it will fail soon. This info is based on the situation that I don't know the exact circuit, so it might be ok, though.

thankyou very much Mr steveelliott for this informations

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