<htc.h> is the top level where it determines what family of PIC is the target. It gets that from the MPLAB IDE. From there, it will load another include file (in your case, <pic.h> which will also load <chip_select.h>) which will load the include for the specific part which it also gets from the IDE. Ultimately, the include for the part gets loaded. In my case, C:\Program Files\HI-TECH Software\PICC\9.83\include\pic16f84.h
To further complicate things, some time back, HiTech changed how they handled registers in the include files. The OPTION reg is now called OPTION_REG. Your sample code may not have been updated. You could either change all the register names (which you should do if you are going to write some stuff for future use) or set a flag for the compiler to use the legacy headers (which for just running samples would be fine). Add the following ABOVE the <htc.h> include:
#include <htc.h>
That should do it.