I´am trying to develop a rs232 minitouch screen app under rs232 whit 9600 bauds,reading the ccs example EX_SISR.c is the way for implementation however i have a trouble whit bkbhit part because i don´t need to wait for a key, i´m using a sync signal data to proccess however i don´t know how implement properly the interrupts to get the data.
tested whit Realterm and 16f876, i need to create 10 vector instructions however only validates one the buffer size are defiined to 16 i know that i need change but i need to know if this possible to replace the bkbhit option because if ideleted the sync signal and vector signals stops, reading other post they recommended printf, sprintf usage in my case it´s no posibble because i need some especial chars as data ENQ,VT,CR and another signals. my question is what i need to replace to keep the sync working and the vector instructions work. thanks for any reply about this.
I´am trying to develop a rs232 minitouch screen app under rs232 whit 9600 bauds,reading the ccs example EX_SISR.c is the way for implementation however i have a trouble whit bkbhit part because i don´t need to wait for a key, i´m using a sync signal data to proccess however i don´t know how implement properly the interrupts to get the data.
do {
putc(0x26)&putc(0x15)&putc(0X36)&putc(0x80)&putc(0X93); \\ sync data mandatory works properly
while(bkbhit) \\ whit this the sync works properly whitout stops.
if ((bgetc()==(0x39,0X43,0x26))) { send whit realterm
putc(0x39)&putc(0x68)&putc(0X27)); \\ vector data doesn´t work realterm receives nothing
else if ((bgetc()==(0x39,0X44,0X29,))) { send whit realterm
putc(0x39)&putc(0x72)&putc(0X35)); \\ vector works properly realtern receives this data
tested whit Realterm and 16f876, i need to create 10 vector instructions however only validates one the buffer size are defiined to 16 i know that i need change but i need to know if this possible to replace the bkbhit option because if ideleted the sync signal and vector signals stops, reading other post they recommended printf, sprintf usage in my case it´s no posibble because i need some especial chars as data ENQ,VT,CR and another signals. my question is what i need to replace to keep the sync working and the vector instructions work. thanks for any reply about this.