question about controlling an external circuit by using cpt.

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Newbie level 2
Mar 28, 2004
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!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! URGENT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

here is my situiation:

i am designing a system which is like this: when there is an object ,which carrying an IR transmitter(like the one in the TV remote controller), come nearby a IR sensor, the transmitter will sends signals(mainly about numbers, like the bus no.) to the sensor...
once the sensor recieves the IR signal, it transfers it the computer through the parallel/serial port...
There will have a VB program which can read the signal from the ports and then performs analysis and decisions. After that, the computer will send back some order or respones an external circuit through the ports again.

And my questions are:
1, how can i recieve the IR signals and then convert them to the form which is suitable of parallel/serial ports input to the computer?

2, which port is the most suitable of my circuit system?parallel? serial?? or anyother else?

3, a fundamental question: How IR transmitt signal? By different frequences of the IR wave? By changing its voltage( like binary system)? or some other else?? In fact, i would like to ask if the IR signals are analog or digital???

4, What is the max. range of IR transmittion??

Thanks a lot!!!!!!

(P.S.: My e-mail:

Re: question about controlling an external circuit by using

The following link should give you a start:

I've built the PC IR receiver they describe, and I use it with my remote control.
It's easy to build and works for several meters.

One thing you should know about IR transmission and reception - It's affected by natural and artificial light.
This means that when you're not transmitting (Or when having poor SNR) you'll have false reception. The data will be garbage, but you have to prepare for this.

Good luck,


Re: question about controlling an external circuit by using

thank you very much!!

No ' thanks ' here.


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