Question about audio amplifiers

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Mar 5, 2005
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Alexandria, Egypt
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audio amp using lm324

Plzz if any body can tell me the difference between the audio amplifiers like TDA2030 and the normal amplifiers like LM324. When I used the LM324 as an audio amplifier it didnt work but when I used the TDA2030 it worked so plzz if any body knows why is that plzz tell me.

Hi !

The LM324 is not a power audio amplifier. It is a general purpose Operational Amplifier (not so good) that can be used to amplify audio signals (for pre amplifier stages or filters) but it does not have enough power to drive itself a loud speaker as TDAs ICs can do.
TDA2030 can supply enough current to drive your 8ohm speaker. Dont try it with LM324 or you will smoke it!!! LM324 cannot supply enough current to drive your speaker, it is limited to about 20mA.......

I agree on LM324...

LM324 cannot handle complex load (ie resistors combined with
inductance/capacitance) so well, very easy to give badly cross over distorsion,
phase shifted compare amplitud envelope and totality ruin function of
hybrid/fork-network in phone lineinterface circurit and analog active
filters etc.

You can 'sane' existing design with distorsions problem (and f***ing LM324)
if you always make DC-load on out-pin so LM324 and other cheap OP-amp
always working in A-klass and newer shift working transistor inside OP-amp
under wave envelope ...


Im learning on the hard way on cleaning up job from not so
experienced (digital) engineer design and already maked
1 k batch of circurit board...

I never use LM324 if I have a choice after this...
You can use LM386 either, it comes in 8pin DIP.

Hope this helps
I already used the LM386 but I used a preamplifier before it using 741 op-amp . It didnt give any output. I dont know the reason. The first stage op-amo 741 didnt give any output.
I didnt try to use the LM386 alone as an audio amplfier
Thnx alll

I think that when you use any electronic elements, you'd view datasheets of them. You can know and use it more easy!

Haytham-Sief said:
I already used the LM386 but I used a preamplifier before it using 741 op-amp . It didnt give any output. I dont know the reason. The first stage op-amo 741 didnt give any output.
I didnt try to use the LM386 alone as an audio amplfier
Thnx alll

It should work! Check you connections, read the datasheet carefully? You can use some audio preamp like LA3161. THeyhave high input impendance and low noise fiqure.
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