Quarter Wave Transformer Simulation

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Oct 18, 2006
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quarter wave transformer


I am trying to simulate a transmission line which is matched with quarter wave transformer.
I am confused about the simulation program, that is the best for this project.
I could work with Sonnet, HFSS, CST and FEKO. I tried SONNET but SONNET's drawing tool isn't flexible. Do you have any suggestions?

transformer simulator

Wouldn't a simple circuit simulator work for you? I.e. Vipec is a free circuit simulator.

Otherwise in FEKO you can draw a few polygons and use variables in the polygon definition i.e. width, or length, etc to play around (use the optimiser) with the dimensions. The substrate can be modeled as a finite or infinite substrate. You could otherwise just "edit" the given Microstrip Filter example in the examples folder.


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quarter-wave transformer

Thanks for your advice.

For a fresh start, Vipec would okay but,

I'm trying to minimize reflection of an object and I want to use binominal or chebyshew approaching for quarter wavelength. So I need a program that I could import images like DXF, IGES etc. In other words, the transmission line that I mentioned is air

beg simulator 2009

What kind of quarter wave transformer are you trying to simulate? If it is a simple microstrip transformer composed of quarter wave line(s), then I agree with mvr and just about any circuit simulator should work for frequencies below, say, 1 GHz. Above this frequency, you may need to rely on accurate step-junction models which are available with the non-free circuit simulators (like Agilent ADS, AWR MWO, etc.). At even higher frequencies, or when the geometry is not very straightforward, you should probably use an EM simulator (like momentum or sonnet). If you are not talking about a microstrip solution, then please give more details.

targal said:
... I tried SONNET but SONNET's drawing tool isn't flexible.
What do you mean by "flexible"?
Are you using sonnet lite or the pro version?


    Points: 2
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quarterwave transformer

I am trying to make objects invisible to common radar frequencies , above 1GHz actually and want to cover the object with a layer that is quarter wave long. I haven't thought about what kind of object I'm goingt to work, maybe a cruiser. So a microstrip transformer wouldn't useful.

I mean, SONNET is good for designing antennas, couplers and mw circuits, but its drawing tool isn't enough for 3D designs. I'm using pro version of SONNET. Actually I haven't full knowledge about the simulation programs, beg your pardon

quarter wave transformer cst example

i guess ADS could be a good option,.
wave simulator

I don't know anything about that program actually, I'm still trying FEKO. For 3GHz, it's simulating very slow.

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