Quantum dot is also called an artificial atom. it's a zero dimension structure in which energy levels can be modified at will. this enables one to get radiation of any desired wavelength.
Hi ,in quantum dots we have homogeneous and inhomogeneous broadening.
I need their exact equations and range of their values.
Would you please help me?
thank you very much.
QD are also called nanocrystalline, can be treated as a single structure, that is you don't have to scale down to atomic level to study it.
also, nonlinear said, ther energy level can be easily modified.
they found great interest in many research area like next gen solar cells and quantum computing.
Hi,I have problem in transition matrix element equation in quantum dot soa.
Is it same for each state for example ground state and excited state and ....???
in some papers this equation has been written the same , but in others not?!
I'm really confused
please help me
thank you