Quality Factor calculation

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Junior Member level 1
May 21, 2011
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as I know the quality factor definition is energy stored/energy dissipated.
i found two formula to calculate it and got the same result
1. -Im(y11)/Re(y11)
2. Im(1/y11)/Re(1/y11)
Is there any relation between these two formulas?
and some other using impedance z to calculate it, is it just because series or parallel that matter ?

Thank You

After stripping all essential informations from a formula, it becomes meaningless.

After stripping all essential informations from a formula, it becomes meaningless.

what does that mean?

I just want to know how the two formula can work.

The essential information would be: y11 of which circuit? Both formulas are probably correct, but for different circuits. As we are not in a guessing game, you should disclose the related circuits.

oh, Thank you for reply FvM,
I am working on a integrated inductor.
Isn't the q factor the same to the circuit?

If y11 describes the inductor admittance, then only the second expression is correct, I think. It corresponds to Q = XL/RL

yes, but my point is the first and the second expression will give you the same answer. I think there is a connection between these expression...

The essential information would be: y11 of which circuit? Both formulas are probably correct, but for different circuits. As we are not in a guessing game, you should disclose the related circuits.

Which formula is for calculate Q factor of capacitance? And which is for inductance?
Port1 connect to 1?2?3?4? Port2 connect to ?
Thank you!

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