qMicroIDE – editor and compiler of AVR assembler for beginners

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Advanced Member level 4
Aug 2, 2011
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Editor and AVR compiler for beginners
The program was created as a tool used in the microcontroller programming. This is the simplest possible assembler editor and compiler for those who begin the programming. It allows to write, compile and program the processor using a single program.

Support for the program was supposed to be as simple as possible. The program does not have a function to create “projects” and this is an intentional action. The application offers clear generating the code in assembler, so that a beginner can focus on learning assembler, not the complex functions of the editor.

It has several very useful features to make work easier:
  • syntax highlighting
  • quick jump between labels
  • numbering of lines
  • completion of label name (snippets)
  • short tabs
  • compiling with AvrA
  • programming using AvrDude
  • displaying the compiler messages (errors and warnings)
  • support for multiple languages
  • UTF-8 coding
  • performance under Linux, Windows and MacOS
  • a friendly interface that maximizes the code editing area

In the program you can configure all the options of the editor appearance. Syntax highlighting colors, system of the GUI elements, the width of indentation, completion of the labels names.

The program was written in C++ and QT4. It can be compiled everywhere where QT4 works, possible AvrA or AvrDude.
The application in Linux uses its own copy of the AvrA compiler (version 1.2.3 Build 1). It can be replaced with a newer version. Version installed on the system is assumed for AvrDude. Both applications are required for the program.
In the version for Windows, AvrA and AvrDude are supplied with qMikroIDE. If you have any problems with the program, you must first check the operation of AvrA and AvrDude exe.
The source code is available under the BSD license. It can be found on the original thread.

Link to original thread (useful attachment) – qMikroIDE - edytor i kompilator asemblera AVR dla nowicjuszy

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