PWM LED driver - how to connect constant-current sink output to MOSFET?

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You could hook up all the outputs of the TLC5940 together to combine their current capability.

LED strips probably don't need constant current drivers like high-power LED's do, since they are just regular 20mA LED's spread apart.

It appears you were able to to use the TLC5940 to drive long LED strips. I have a similar need (PWM control of 64 total LED strips, each requiring 400mA @ 12V), so I would like to be able to use 4 TLC5940 with as simple a circuit as possible connected to each output of the 5940.

Can you post a circuit diagram for what you ended up using? I am hopeful that I can avoid using the more complex circuit posted by @alexan_e.

Hi Bongo24, I was indeed, its very simple and requires very little external components. Since it was a few years ago, and I'm really pushed for time I though I would just uploaded for you my complete report on the completed project (below). Also depending on what you plan to do you may find some on the info on my site useful also.

Take a look through, there are PCB layouts with the mosefets as well as, in the appendix, circuit diagrams for the whole system.

Hope that all helps!

Ah, the newbie resurrects an old post again.
Islou, you do realize that the last post here was nearly 3 years ago? :wink:

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