PV panel

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Member level 2
Oct 13, 2020
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is it possibility reduce PV panel area without changing the watt ? so 100W panel dimension is almost 790X670mm. is it reduce this dimension approx. %50 or what percentage can be reduce ?


Dear Susan

Thanks for interested

i need it for solar lighting and price doesnt important for now because i m review...
I'm certainly no expert on this but 2 things come to mind straight away.
The energy of the sun at the earth's surface is measured in W/m^2. Therefore if you reduce the area, you reduce the power impacting the panel. Basic physics.
Secondly the panel only converts a percentage of the energy that strikes it into usable power. This is where a lot of research is going on to find materials that have a higher conversion efficiency. Therefore if you use a higher conversion efficient material then you can reduce the area by a proportionate amount and still get the same power out. So wait for more efficient panels to be made available.
if you buy higher performing solar panels you can get the same 100W in full sunlight for very slightly reduced overall area.

That is a question that really only you can answer after you consider:
- what you want to the panel for
- how much you want to pay (more efficient panels are more expensive)
- what panels are available to you (locally, on-line etc.)
- do the available panels have the appropriate characteristics (you talk about the power but what about the voltage....)
- what other equipment is available to you (inverters etc.) that you might need for your particular purpose
We could recommend a high efficiency panel that is not available to you or is too expensive, so this is where you need to start doing your homework.

Dear Susan

Thanks for interested

i need it for solar lighting and price doesnt important for now because i m review panels for now. i need 100Wsolar panel its output volatge range can be 12-30V because controller support this voltage range . as result the better one is little area but high efficiency.

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