Pure Sinewave Inverter Design Help

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Junior Member level 1
May 30, 2007
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Hello My Friends

I'm Working in P.SW inverter ..i've made the DC-DC Stage and Tested it .. my only problem is with the H-Bridge Stage .. i read about the SPWM and have the table ... but dont have a complete schematic for the Microcontroller PIC driving the H-bridge and sure don't have the Hex code for the PIC and never dealed with microcontroller more than Burning the HEX:-?

So Please Can any one Upload a Complete schematic for that stage with hex code:roll:

Thank you

you can easily get the schematics and working of H-Bridge on web , you must specify your inverter configurations like output voltage ,frequency , power etc so that we can help you to select the right component for the H-Bridge,

and the HEX code will depend on the desired SPWM carrier frequency and fundamental frequency,

Thank you BawA .... you are right i totaly forgot that ... the output voltage is 220vAC/50Hz and i dont actually know the carrieer and fundamental frequency

Kindly refer microchip's application note AN1279 it has got all the details it includes software . If you are not able to find AN1279 kindly inform I will post it.
Dear nikhilmahasvar

Thanks alot .. i got the microchip App notes ..although alittle advanced for me but it provided me a lot of usefull information ...... i just need a basic design to start with.

Please if you or any other can provide me that i'll be very thankfull

Microchips which part number are you planing to use ? What is the capacity you are planing ? What is the DC voltage ?
and what exactly is your application ?

Part number is "PIC16F628A" ,the Capacity is 1Kw,The DC Voltage "12v" .. the Application is Home appliance such computer,LCD TV,Lights

Thank You

Sure ... i have been about month to learn how to calculate it and wind it .. but now i'm done with it and moved to the next part

i have tried the iron core inverter ... got the 220v output but when i try to connect a load it keeps restarting ... dont know why and searched the net didn't find any solution..except that sure no problem
I plan To Pure sinewave .. but when i started with that circuit i just wanted to try .. even though it's failed ... then i moved to SMPS inverter but this time i wanted to start with the Pure SW dEsign

when i try to connect a load it keeps restarting ...
When voltage drops below some 8V, the IC stops and when voltage rises, it starts again. Load draws more current and if battery can't that much current, voltage drops. Oscillation stops and there is no current is drawn from battery so its voltage rises. Oscillation starts again. The cycle repeats itself. Only use powerful source. This problem will be occure on 12V system more often. The driver circuit board in the link is using a regulator IC. It further drops voltage. For 12V system, remove it and put a diode such as IN4001 in its place.
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ALERTLINKS : Thank you ... i never thought about that .. but if so then this inverter has a very very poor efficiency because i'm using 12v/50AH battery... i think even if i could make it work it won't handle a good load..... now i know i must use the ferrite ( SMPS ) inverter it's beeter battery efficient ... and suggestions ALERTLINKS?

Actually this will work quite well. Regulator IC drops about 3V so there is only 9V left leaving a narrow margin. If it is replaced by a diode then problem is solved. It also protects battery over discharge.
Its efficiency is better than pure sine wave inverters.

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