I plan to simulate the effect of pulsed Drain-Source voltage on a GANFET model. Basically i would like to apply a simple DC Pulse train to the Drain-Source terminal and measure the ID and VDS.
The problem is that ADS treats sources like VtPulse as a short circuit during DC simulations. I dont want to perform a transient simulation, rather a DC one by sweeping VDS and plotting against ID.
Any ideas how I can achieve this ?
VtPulse is a time domain (transient simulation) source. Behaviour in other simulation modes can be set by additional simulation sources in series with VtPulse.
I would like to use the Pulsed DC source (Vtpulse), to do a DC simulation. But in the DC simulator, time dependent sources such as Vt pulse are treated as short circuits.
Any idea how i could combine sources so that i can do a DC sim with a Pulsed DC source ?